(Tribute to all Writers, both Dead and Alive).

In my quest to answer

This question, I met a

Quail at the quadrangle quarters

In a quagmire and I quaked

And quailed at the intricacy of

The snare that caught her

Slowly I moved towards

This beautiful creature

Stooped down to untie

And set her free,

She waggles her tail

Dances and sings softly:

Many passers by ignored

Many onlookers snubbed

The children laughed

Then came my savior

An oracle of God

His messenger from above

With a message of salvation

And sound knowledge

And of redemption

A forerunner of freedom

Going around doing good

Setting captives free 

With his message

Giving form to the formless

With his message

Bringing beam of hope to

The hopeless

With his message

A pointer to the Truth

A signpost to the Way

A compass to the Path of Life

With his pen, he

Enthrones and dethrones kings

Destroys and builds institutions

The gravitional force upholding

Traditions and customs

Values and virtues

A carrier of divine scripts

God's secretary entrusted with

His secret files

A custodian of the secret

Diary of the gods and the


Give him his reward

Owe him naught

Pay him his dues

Owe him naught

Pay him his royalties

Owe him naught

Ascribe honor to him

Owe him naught

Pay him homage

And do not deprive him


I need not go further because

The answer I sought,

I found in the

Song of the quail

Then ends my quest.


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