Since time immemorial

In the heavenly, for eons

He has been the spirit rebellious…

Engaged furiously in the battle for thrones

Seeking to enthrone himself

Above the throne of the Supreme being

The Self Existent One, the uncreated Creator

Neither satisfied with the bestowed wisdom, beauty…

Nor contented with the anointing

Striving for the throne of the Most High

Seeking to be worshiped by all

Alas! He fell, denatured, was demoted

He was cast away, evicted from heaven

How thou have fallen, oh Baphomet!

O’ Earth O' Earth, cry for woes

For the virus invades your territories

The god of fame, the monarch of money, rebellious spirit

The actual GOAT behind the G.O.A.T

Don’t be fooled, neither be deceived

By the schemes of the old crafty serpent

Same signification signifies servanthood

By signs and symbols,  identity revealed

The sabbatic goat whose priests and priestesses 

Sacrifice humans on black Sabbaths

Time approaches speedily for the separation

By the Chief Shepherd,

The Righteous Judge

To the left, goats

To His right, sheep

Where will thou be?

To the left?

To the right?

I would have, you sit at the right.

© Gabriel Udensi .


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